To The Point - SuperUser Account
The old saying “a picture is worth a thousand words” has never been so true as it is today, with the advent of mobile picture-taking and instant sharing technologies. We all know there are countless business uses for capturing and sharing images, but wouldn’t it be nice to have the ability to draw attention to image details using arrows, and adding annotations to enhance the viewer’s understanding of the image and its context? This is precisely where CollectivePoint’s custom mobile camera application comes in.My company, CollectivePoint, has recently released our fourth custom camera application to one of our new clients. I would have never imagined how valuable a custom workflow and custom photo would aid in organization and feature richness of a product. Below are some of the specific uses of our custom mobile camera application:• Version 1 of our application provided the ability for various users to take multiple pictures from mobile devices, and instantly associate those pictur ...
To The Point - SuperUser Account
Regardless of the future of mobile in the enterprise, it's important to have a custom application development firm at your disposal that can deliver the solutions your business needs in a quick and efficient manner.
To The Point - SuperUser Account
When it comes to creating a business application, the fact remains that creating a perfect one is challenging.
To The Point - SuperUser Account
After working with TFS source control and Visual Studio on Unity projects, by myself or with one team member, I appreciate the features and easy integration of TFS and Unity. However, I found branching and merging wasn't intuitive. Also, I tended not to rely on the Visual Studio Online tools, and would rather not have the tools than have them and ignore them. I decided to try Git source control with Visual Studio 2013 Community Edition and Unity 5 Personal Edition. Git, initially, could not commit while Unity was open, and wouldn't ignore any file in the local repository. The following are the steps I used to make the three tools work together. First I created a Git repository online, "HelloUnityRepo". Next step was creating a new Unity 5 project, "HelloUnity", with the Visual Studio 2013 Tools Assets Package included. In HelloUnity's project settings, Edit -> Project Settings -> Editor, I switched Version Control Mode to Visibile Meta Files. Ignoring these Unity meta fi ...
To The Point - SuperUser Account
CollectivePoint is developing a new application called "ParentPoint" to facilitate tension-free communication and scheduling between co-parents who don't live together. We are launching a Kickstarter campaign to finance the project.
To The Point - SuperUser Account
If the 2014 SXSW festival has inspired your business to venture into the mobile world, an app developer in Austin can be a valuable tool.
To The Point - SuperUser Account
The Startup Village initiative in India took this opportunity to invite 40 female students to take part in a workshop that introduced them to mobile app development.
To The Point - SuperUser Account
DNS Recordkeeping Solutions partnered with CollectivePoint to create and release a cross-platform Android and iOS 7 version of a standards-compliant recordkeeping app known as the "Crop Data Tracker."
To The Point - SuperUser Account
A recent article from Biz Report features an in-depth interview with Josh Shea, the lead developer at New York-based digital marketing agency Overit.
To The Point - SuperUser Account
A recent article from ITworld examined these processes that make the creation of a great mobile application so complicated.